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Forum Index » Profile for wildcard » Topics created by wildcard
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Argo Navis assistance for an Obsession UC 22 0 wildcard 72368 11/04/2023 10:13:50
wildcard [Latest Reply]
User Forum
Argo Navis One Page Quick Start Guide 0 wildcard 108212 16/03/2023 17:36:23
wildcard [Latest Reply]
User Forum
Huntsman Telescope launched to study deep skies and galaxy formation from Siding Spring Observatory, Australia 0 wildcard 159777 22/07/2022 15:31:50
wildcard [Latest Reply]
Astronomy & Science News
Emailing Wildcard and missed our response? Please check your email Junk folder or leave a phone number 0 wildcard 91245 21/07/2022 14:10:44
wildcard [Latest Reply]
User Forum
The beauty in the details: Take a tour through the James Webb Space Telescope images 0 wildcard 86915 14/07/2022 13:15:33
wildcard [Latest Reply]
Astronomy & Science News
Silicon carbide circuitry to withstand the hellish conditions on Venus 0 wildcard 99396 29/05/2021 12:28:55
wildcard [Latest Reply]
Astronomy & Science News
Procedure: Locating the Alt Axis on your Dobsonian version 4 by Scott Tannehill 0 wildcard 128497 27/03/2021 13:30:13
wildcard [Latest Reply]
User Forum
Tips on Argo Navis star alignment on alt/az Dobsonian mounts 0 wildcard 103133 08/12/2020 15:41:14
wildcard [Latest Reply]
User Forum
Some photos taken on Friday 9 Oct 2020 at the factory here in Sydney where Argo Navis units are manufactured 0 wildcard 90195 11/10/2020 19:35:27
wildcard [Latest Reply]
User Forum
Interfacing Argo Navis to the SkySafari planetarium via Bluetooth instructional video 0 wildcard 92014 29/09/2020 19:41:55
wildcard [Latest Reply]
User Forum
Our condolences on the passing of George Nikolidakis, President of the Hellenic Amateur Astronomical Union, April 2020 1 wildcard 122331 21/08/2020 19:53:58
sentinel [Latest Reply]
User Forum
Largest 3D map of the Universe released filling in 11 billion year gap in the middle 0 wildcard 98733 20/07/2020 17:41:34
wildcard [Latest Reply]
Astronomy & Science News
Observing with an Argo Navis equipped 22" Obsession UC at 9200' on Mauna Kea 3 wildcard 180304 09/06/2020 23:00:33
wildcard [Latest Reply]
User Forum
Chicxulub impact crater may have harbored a vast and long-lived hydrothermal system 0 wildcard 97380 30/05/2020 12:50:07
wildcard [Latest Reply]
Astronomy & Science News
Chandra X-ray observatory catches a black hole hurling hot material into space at close to the speed of light 0 wildcard 98520 30/05/2020 12:48:39
wildcard [Latest Reply]
Astronomy & Science News
Forum Index » Profile for wildcard » Topics created by wildcard
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