I have used TPAS for years on my 30" dob and am very satisfied with it's pointing accuracy enhancement. I have sampled stars through the MODE ITENTIFY, MODE TOUR, MODE CATALOG/BRIGHT STARS modes with success. However, I control the scope with SkyTools3 planetrium through a wireless serial port connection for flawless telescope direction control for slewing, and want to sample stars using SkyTools3 planetarium controlling the star selection AND sampling. When trying this Argo Navis MODE CATALOG/PLANETARIUM method for star sampling, I can get the Argo Navis into SAMPLE MOUNT ERROR mode and push ENTER to take the sample and the Argo Navis display indicates it has taken the sample data by reverting back to the GUIDE MODE. When I check the REVIEW DATA list in SAMPLE MOUNT ERROR mode, I can see it takes the first sample (with no name attached to the sample identity), but doesn't record any other samples regardless of how many samples I take. I attribute this to the form of data sent to Argo Navis by the SkyTools3 planetarium connection which includes the object's coordinates but not it's name (the pseudo name sent is FROM PLANETARIUM), so apparently the Argo Navis thinks I'm sending it the same star sample each time and therefore doesn't record more than one sample while using this method. My question is, is there any way that the MODE CATALOG/PLANETARIUM mode can be used for star sampling? Thanks in advance for any responses.