Hi Dave,
Thanks for the interesting post and great to hear you are going to attempt to track Artemis with your scope.
TLI takes place very early in the mission, at 1 hour 33 minutes 21 seconds. So there won't be any orbit around the Earth to make the use of TLE (three line orbital elements) possible.
At first blush, doing the conversion from the state vectors they will announce to RA/Dec sounds like the go. Someone on the net may end up automating it.
NASA are saying the state vectors will be with respect the Earth-centered inertial coordinate frame J2000.
Don't forget to normalize the x,y,z position to the unit sphere.
Find the norm first :-
norm = sqrt(x * x + y * y + z * z);
Then :-
x = x/norm;
y = y/norm;
z - z/norm;
Find Right Ascension :-
ra = atan2(y, x);
Then put ra in the range of 0 to 2*PI and convert from radians to hh::mm:ss
Then compute Declination :-
rho = x * x + y * y;
dec= atan2(z, sqrt(rho));
Convert declination from radians to degrees.
Something like this anyway. It's Sunday afternoon here in Sydney and I might have missed something in this quick back of the napkin response.
Argo Navis has the MODE SETUP, SETUP SCRATCH feature where you can manually enter an RA/Dec.
It then appears under MODE CATALOG under SCRATCH OBJECTS.
I'd really be interested to hear if you have success observing it.