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User Catalogs » Carbon Stars

Author: wildcard
20/10/2019 12:21:01
Wikipedia wrote:
A carbon star is typically an asymptotic giant branch star, a luminous red giant, whose atmosphere contains more carbon than oxygen. The two elements combine in the upper layers of the star, forming carbon monoxide, which consumes all the oxygen in the atmosphere, leaving carbon atoms free to form other carbon compounds, giving the star a "sooty" atmosphere and a strikingly ruby red appearance. There are also some dwarf and supergiant carbon stars, with the more common giant stars sometimes being called classical carbon stars to distinguish them.

In most stars (such as the Sun), the atmosphere is richer in oxygen than carbon. Ordinary stars not exhibiting the characteristics of carbon stars but cool enough to form carbon monoxide are therefore called oxygen-rich stars.

Carbon stars have quite distinctive spectral characteristics, and they were first recognized by their spectra by Angelo Secchi in the 1860s, a pioneering time in astronomical spectroscopy.

Special thanks to highly experienced U.S. observer Bob Rose, an OzSky regular, who compiled the following carbon star files :-

Carbon+Var225.txt consisting of 225 Carbon Stars Down to Mag 10- Listed by Var Star Id

Carbon437.txt consisting of 437 Carbon stars down to mag 10 Using CGCS ID

Carbon-Argo.txt consisting of 75 fairly bright carbon stars.

Filename Carbon-Argo.txt
Description No description given
Filesize 7 Kbytes
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Filename Carbon437.txt
Description No description given
Filesize 47 Kbytes
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Filename Carbon_Var225.txt
Description No description given
Filesize 25 Kbytes
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