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User Catalogs » Argo Navis ArgoUserListCreator Excel Utility

Author: wildcard
20/10/2019 12:02:05
Andrew Hincks created the ArgoUserListCreator to enable the creation of Argo Navis User Catalogs in an Excel spreadsheet
and for them to be exported in the requisite Argo Navis User Catalog format which uses 'vertical bar' - also known as pipe - delimiters (|)

The use of the utility is described in a four page User Manual.

Special thanks to Andrew for creating this utility.

Filename ArgoUserListCreator v1.51.pdf
Description No description given
Filesize 848 Kbytes
Downloaded 58352 time(s)
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Filename ArgoUserListCreator v1.60.xls
Description No description given
Filesize 68 Kbytes
Downloaded 64639 time(s)
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