Hi Dave,
One strategy is once you do perform an alignment is to then simply keep the unit powered on.
We have users with fixed observatories that leave their units powered on for days at a time.
Argo Navis allows you to align on any object at any time. You are not restricted to those in the MODE ALIGN STAR list, which is simply a list of convenient bright stars.
You can use the last object you selected in MODE CATALOG, MODE IDENTIFY or MODE TOUR in conjunction with MODE ALIGN (as opposed to MODE ALIGN STAR) to perform an alignment.
This includes a pseudo object whose J2000.0 RA/Dec co-ordinates you have downloaded into the FROM PLANETARIUM entry.
There are several ways to fill the FROM PLANETARIUM entry but for example, if you happened to be running the navis STARTUP command on one of the serial ports
and sent the command :-
fp `STAR1|12:34:56|+12:34|STAR|1.0|MY PLATE SOLVE STAR`
it would fill the FROM PLANETARIUM object with those RA/Dec co-ordinates and if you were then to EXIT out of MODE CATALOG and dial up MODE ALIGN, you could align on it.