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User Forum » John Izzo's equatorial platform repost

Author: wildcard
18/10/2019 16:03:22
Last month, John Izzo reported on his recently finished equatorial platform project.

He wrote :-

John Izzo wrote:
Hi All,

I just like to report that I recently finished an equatorial platform for my home-made 16" truss dobsonian, with the help of Mark Justice and Rod Brackenridge fellow members of the Astronomical Society of Victoria (Instrument Making Section). Last week, I used the first time the Argo Navis in conjunction with the platform. Following the AN manual instruction it worked like a charm. I was ready for all sort of trouble but it worked perfectly from the start. I'm very happy. Now for the weather...



John Izzo
Stella Observatory
Macedon, Victoria
144:34:13 E - 37:25:09 S

It was so good to see that it is worth posting again including with attached photos.

[Thumb - Stand.jpg]
Filename Stand.jpg
Description John Izzo's stalk for holding his Argo Navis
Filesize 2386 Kbytes
Downloaded 36021 time(s)
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[Thumb - Tracking.jpg]
Filename Tracking.jpg
Description John Izzo's tracking platform
Filesize 1139 Kbytes
Downloaded 36915 time(s)
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Author: moebius9
30/10/2019 07:14:45

First message on this new forum.
Nice dobsonian on its EQ platform.
Here is mine also on its home made EQ platform.


[Thumb - IMG_9260.JPG]
Filename IMG_9260.JPG
Description No description given
Filesize 4165 Kbytes
Downloaded 35185 time(s)
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Author: Admin
30/10/2019 10:33:22
moebius9 wrote:Hi,

First message on this new forum.
Nice dobsonian on its EQ platform.
Here is mine also on its home made EQ platform.


Welcome Michel and thank you for the fantastic photo of a great looking telescope in such a beautiful setting!

I would be interested to know the altitude of that observing site.

Author: moebius9
31/10/2019 02:14:10
Hi Gary,

2500m, 2 hours from Nice, the best sky in France !!


Author: wildcard
31/10/2019 23:43:20
moebius9 wrote:Hi Gary,

2500m, 2 hours from Nice, the best sky in France !!

The best of both worlds! Close to the sea and to the mountains.

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