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User Catalogs » Hartung's Astronomical Objects For Southern Telescopes

Author: wildcard
01/11/2019 12:50:56
Professor E. J. Hartung first produced a comprehensive and highly respected guide for southern observers in 1968.

This book was then revised in 1995 by David Malin, who was previously the astrophotographer at the Anglo Australian Telescope, and by David Frew, an astronomer at Macquarie University here in Sydney.

This book is cherished by many southern observers and Peter Marples produced an Argo Navis user catalog from the list of objects described in the book.

For anyone new to southern skies, this book and catalog make for a wonderful starting point.
Book details here :-

Filename Hartung.txt
Description Hartung's Astronomical Objects For Southern Telescopes
Filesize 67 Kbytes
Downloaded 45761 time(s)
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Author: wildcard
01/11/2019 12:55:16
David Moorhouse in New Zealand kindly produced these lists of Hartung objects in Excel and CSV formats which was published on the Argo Navis Users' Group.

Filename hartungs.csv
Description Hartung
Filesize 49 Kbytes
Downloaded 91098 time(s)
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Filename hartungs.xls
Description Hartung
Filesize 142 Kbytes
Downloaded 45942 time(s)
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Author: wildcard
01/11/2019 12:59:26
This Excel Spreadsheet was created by "cozens3" and contains a list of all NGC & IC objects that appear in Hartungs. They have been ranked in order of magnitude.
This list originally appeared on the Argo Navis Users' Group.

Filename Hartung with rank.xls
Description Hartung NGC and IC objects ranked by magnitude Excel spreadsheet
Filesize 62 Kbytes
Downloaded 46508 time(s)
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