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Westminster (Maryland) Astronomical Society List of 130 Objects RSS feed
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Joined: 17/10/2019
Messages: 122
Location: Mount Kuring-Gai NSW Australia
This list of 130 objects (120 Deep Sky and 10 Double Stars) was created by the members of the Westminster (Mayland) Astronomical Society and original uploaded
by Yahoo Group member czar_seven.
 Filename was130.txt [Disk] Download
 Description Westminster Astronomical Society List of 130 Objects
 Filesize 18 Kbytes
 Downloaded:  48750 time(s)

Gary Kopff
Managing Director
Wildcard Innovations Pty. Ltd.
20 Kilmory Place
Mount Kuring-Gai NSW 2080
Phone +61-2-9457-9049
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