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User Catalogs Multiple Star System Observing Program developed by the Astronomical League 0 04/12/2019 13:07:37
176917 04/12/2019 13:07:37
wildcard Latest Reply
User Forum TPAS sampling strategy answer for Mike 9 17/10/2019 21:58:33
155150 24/10/2019 04:20:03
MikeV Latest Reply
User Forum John Izzo's equatorial platform repost 4 18/10/2019 16:03:22
153981 31/10/2019 23:43:20
wildcard Latest Reply
User Forum Observing with an Argo Navis equipped 22" Obsession UC at 9200' on Mauna Kea 3 12/02/2020 17:04:45
149424 09/06/2020 23:00:33
wildcard Latest Reply
User Catalogs BAM600 Southern Skies Observing List 0 20/10/2019 11:51:35
145357 20/10/2019 11:51:35
wildcard Latest Reply
User Catalogs Herschel 400 0 20/10/2019 12:09:05
141471 20/10/2019 12:09:05
wildcard Latest Reply
User Catalogs Carbon Stars 0 20/10/2019 12:21:01
140309 20/10/2019 12:21:01
wildcard Latest Reply
User Catalogs Local Group Galaxies 0 20/10/2019 12:27:23
140113 20/10/2019 12:27:23
wildcard Latest Reply
User Catalogs Argo Navis ArgoUserListCreator Excel Utility 0 20/10/2019 12:02:05
138225 20/10/2019 12:02:05
wildcard Latest Reply
User Forum Wildcard Innovations will be introducing a new advanced servo motor GOTO controller 1 24/01/2022 14:51:18
137438 30/05/2023 07:27:00
wvbirder Latest Reply
User Forum Welcome to the new Argo Navis Users' Group 14 17/10/2019 20:46:50
132518 30/10/2019 10:30:06
Admin Latest Reply
User Forum How do I load Manual into Kindle properly? 1 21/01/2020 02:58:24
127624 06/02/2020 14:56:36
wildcard Latest Reply
Astronomy & Science News Astronomers discover class of strange objects near our galaxy’s enormous black hole 0 16/01/2020 15:21:54
124053 16/01/2020 15:21:54
wildcard Latest Reply
User Catalogs Hartung's Astronomical Objects For Southern Telescopes 2 01/11/2019 12:50:56
123625 01/11/2019 12:59:26
wildcard Latest Reply
User Catalogs Atlas of Peculiar Galaxies by Halton Arp 0 21/10/2019 17:02:20
121142 21/10/2019 17:02:20
wildcard Latest Reply
User Catalogs Hickson Compact Galaxy Groups Catalog 0 21/10/2019 16:55:36
119424 21/10/2019 16:55:36
wildcard Latest Reply
Astronomy & Science News Huntsman Telescope launched to study deep skies and galaxy formation from Siding Spring Observatory, Australia 0 22/07/2022 15:31:50
119135 22/07/2022 15:31:50
wildcard Latest Reply
User Catalogs Caldwell Catalogue 0 21/10/2019 00:16:02
118549 21/10/2019 00:16:02
wildcard Latest Reply
User Forum Argo Navis Firmware Version 3.0.4 now available for download 1 29/12/2019 17:02:28
118223 29/12/2019 17:22:42
wildcard Latest Reply
User Catalogs Sky & Telescope 111 Treasures for Light-Polluted Skies 0 23/10/2019 19:51:14
117712 23/10/2019 19:51:14
wildcard Latest Reply
User Catalogs Macquarie/AAO/Strasbourg Hα Planetary Galactic Catalog (MASH) 0 20/10/2019 12:45:20
117572 20/10/2019 12:45:20
wildcard Latest Reply
User Catalogs Westminster (Maryland) Astronomical Society List of 130 Objects 0 23/10/2019 19:47:15
116891 23/10/2019 19:47:15
wildcard Latest Reply
User Catalogs Milky Way Globular Clusters 0 21/10/2019 16:46:20
116301 21/10/2019 16:46:20
wildcard Latest Reply
User Catalogs Abell Planetary Nebulae 0 23/10/2019 20:01:15
116228 23/10/2019 20:01:15
wildcard Latest Reply
User Catalogs Jack Bennett’s catalogue of deep sky objects 0 21/10/2019 00:20:42
116196 21/10/2019 00:20:42
wildcard Latest Reply
User Catalogs Perek-Kohoutek ('PK') Catalogue of Planetary Nebulae 0 20/10/2019 12:49:17
115805 20/10/2019 12:49:17
wildcard Latest Reply
User Catalogs A selection of 1104 ESO Galaxies 0 23/10/2019 19:43:23
115095 23/10/2019 19:43:23
wildcard Latest Reply
User Catalogs Dark Nebulae Catalog 0 21/10/2019 16:48:18
114803 21/10/2019 16:48:18
wildcard Latest Reply
Astronomy & Science News NASA Finds Neptune Moons Locked in ‘Dance of Avoidance’ 0 16/11/2019 15:45:49
111566 16/11/2019 15:45:49
wildcard Latest Reply
User Catalogs Al Lamperti Composite List Carbon stars, Flat Galaxies, Lensed & Double Quasars, Hickson Groups, Abell, BL, Arps 0 20/10/2019 12:33:24
111201 20/10/2019 12:33:24
wildcard Latest Reply
User Forum deep sky pictures and dobsonian 4 31/10/2019 19:42:13
109536 03/11/2019 20:06:31
moebius9 Latest Reply
User Forum Replacing lithium battery 3 29/01/2020 06:08:22
105485 06/02/2020 14:54:07
bandjwi Latest Reply
User Forum After Firmware upgrade below horizon has vanished 1 18/02/2020 15:07:18
Idy Golfman
104697 01/03/2020 14:21:25
Matt Bielski Latest Reply
Astronomy & Science News Video :- Juno's Perijove 21 in One Minute 0 31/10/2019 23:50:09
104601 31/10/2019 23:50:09
wildcard Latest Reply
User Forum Used Argo Navis - batteries leaked a bit, how to clean battery compartment 2 13/02/2020 13:56:53
101358 14/02/2020 00:44:29
ebertzm-an Latest Reply
Astronomy & Science News Giant Magellan Telescope (GMT) Signs Contract For Telescope Structure 0 31/10/2019 11:34:26
97880 31/10/2019 11:34:26
wildcard Latest Reply
Astronomy & Science News The Citizen Scientists Who Helped Map Bennu 0 24/12/2019 15:40:02
96776 24/12/2019 15:40:02
wildcard Latest Reply
User Forum Procedure: Locating the Alt Axis on your Dobsonian version 4 by Scott Tannehill 0 27/03/2021 13:30:13
96291 27/03/2021 13:30:13
wildcard Latest Reply
User Forum An Argo Navis Telescope Pointing Analysis System (TPAS) tutorial for Dob owners 2 03/11/2019 16:40:13
95716 22/12/2019 18:46:40
wildcard Latest Reply
User Forum Argo Navis Firmware Version 3.0.3 now available for download 5 21/12/2019 12:26:06
93179 28/12/2019 13:05:40
wildcard Latest Reply
User Forum Our condolences on the passing of George Nikolidakis, President of the Hellenic Amateur Astronomical Union, April 2020 1 14/08/2020 20:47:06
92682 21/08/2020 19:53:58
sentinel Latest Reply
Astronomy & Science News Researchers identify a minimoon fireball over South Australia 0 03/12/2019 13:26:25
92163 03/12/2019 13:26:25
wildcard Latest Reply
Astronomy & Science News The mysterious 70 solar-mass black hole, LB1, 15,000 light years away 0 30/11/2019 11:53:49
91688 30/11/2019 11:53:49
wildcard Latest Reply
Astronomy & Science News How the Great Red Spot of Jupiter Stays Alive while Losing Energy through Viscous and Radiative Dissipation 0 26/11/2019 11:57:44
90707 26/11/2019 11:57:44
wildcard Latest Reply
User Forum Mode Setup Location 1 10/01/2020 07:37:05
90672 12/01/2020 23:37:32
wildcard Latest Reply
User Forum Using TPAS to assist with polar alignment 2 05/01/2020 18:56:00
89579 07/01/2020 17:27:27
Gordon Latest Reply
User Forum Wildcard Innovations Wish You Happy New Year 0 01/01/2020 03:00:59
88270 01/01/2020 03:00:59
wildcard Latest Reply
Astronomy & Science News Rare transit of Mercury to take place on 11 November 2019 - 12:35 UTC to 18:04 UTC 0 09/11/2019 11:22:57
88225 09/11/2019 11:22:57
wildcard Latest Reply
Astronomy & Science News Astronomers Catch Wind Rushing Out of Galaxy 0 01/11/2019 12:21:30
88110 01/11/2019 12:21:30
wildcard Latest Reply
User Forum Enhancing the Alignment Star Catalog 1 25/12/2019 14:32:03
Bob Maraschin
88004 25/12/2019 22:43:44
wildcard Latest Reply
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