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Huntsman Telescope launched to study deep skies and galaxy formation from Siding Spring Observatory, Australia 0 22/07/2022 15:31:50
226564 22/07/2022 15:31:50
wildcard [Latest Reply]
The beauty in the details: Take a tour through the James Webb Space Telescope images 0 14/07/2022 13:15:33
122302 14/07/2022 13:15:33
wildcard [Latest Reply]
Silicon carbide circuitry to withstand the hellish conditions on Venus 0 29/05/2021 12:28:55
134700 29/05/2021 12:28:55
wildcard [Latest Reply]
Largest 3D map of the Universe released filling in 11 billion year gap in the middle 0 20/07/2020 17:41:34
134396 20/07/2020 17:41:34
wildcard [Latest Reply]
Chicxulub impact crater may have harbored a vast and long-lived hydrothermal system 0 30/05/2020 12:50:07
132272 30/05/2020 12:50:07
wildcard [Latest Reply]
Chandra X-ray observatory catches a black hole hurling hot material into space at close to the speed of light 0 30/05/2020 12:48:39
138289 30/05/2020 12:48:39
wildcard [Latest Reply]
ESO Telescope Sees Star Dance Around Supermassive Black Hole, Proves Einstein Right 0 16/04/2020 18:42:13
147936 16/04/2020 18:42:13
wildcard [Latest Reply]
Theoreticians propose Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) Axion could explain a lot about the Universe 0 11/03/2020 14:07:39
151054 11/03/2020 14:07:39
wildcard [Latest Reply]
Radio fossil of largest known explosion since the Big Bang discovered 1 28/02/2020 15:36:22
163976 10/03/2020 22:45:57
spammer2_blocked [Latest Reply]
Astronomers discover class of strange objects near our galaxy’s enormous black hole 0 16/01/2020 15:21:54
207118 16/01/2020 15:21:54
wildcard [Latest Reply]
The Citizen Scientists Who Helped Map Bennu 0 24/12/2019 15:40:02
158131 24/12/2019 15:40:02
wildcard [Latest Reply]
Researchers identify a minimoon fireball over South Australia 0 03/12/2019 13:26:25
153941 03/12/2019 13:26:25
wildcard [Latest Reply]
The mysterious 70 solar-mass black hole, LB1, 15,000 light years away 0 30/11/2019 11:53:49
152896 30/11/2019 11:53:49
wildcard [Latest Reply]
How the Great Red Spot of Jupiter Stays Alive while Losing Energy through Viscous and Radiative Dissipation 0 26/11/2019 11:57:44
154179 26/11/2019 11:57:44
wildcard [Latest Reply]
NASA Finds Neptune Moons Locked in ‘Dance of Avoidance’ 0 16/11/2019 15:45:49
175186 16/11/2019 15:45:49
wildcard [Latest Reply]
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