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Wildcard Innovations will be introducing a new advanced servo motor GOTO controller 1 24/01/2022 14:51:18
181344 30/05/2023 07:27:00
wvbirder [Latest Reply]
Argo Navis assistance for an Obsession UC 22 0 11/04/2023 10:13:50
74763 11/04/2023 10:13:50
wildcard [Latest Reply]
deleting user catalogues 1 10/04/2023 20:53:34
70079 10/04/2023 22:08:12
astroal [Latest Reply]
[Clip] Argo Navis One Page Quick Start Guide 0 16/03/2023 17:36:23
111105 16/03/2023 17:36:23
wildcard [Latest Reply]
Further releases of AN firmware 1 23/02/2023 02:37:15
92838 23/02/2023 15:17:06
wildcard [Latest Reply]
Tracking Artemis I moon mission? 7 06/11/2022 02:57:05
95759 21/11/2022 16:32:46
wildcard [Latest Reply]
SmartTrack(TM) and "From Planetarium" 2 20/10/2022 07:05:05
Paul Abel
91563 21/10/2022 08:03:37
Paul Abel [Latest Reply]
ASCOM Driver 3 15/07/2022 11:58:50
Paul Abel
105302 07/10/2022 17:39:10
teddy569 [Latest Reply]
Emailing Wildcard and missed our response? Please check your email Junk folder or leave a phone number 0 21/07/2022 14:10:44
93676 21/07/2022 14:10:44
wildcard [Latest Reply]
Argo Navis display 'locks up' 1 05/06/2021 12:12:35
Steve B
103870 05/06/2021 14:10:42
wildcard [Latest Reply]
Listing or guide to stars in AN's 3 star catalogs 1 31/05/2021 03:42:47
Steve B
101858 02/06/2021 14:25:19
wildcard [Latest Reply]
is it possible to ask for assistance ? 3 27/04/2021 04:06:41
99029 28/04/2021 00:12:03
wildcard [Latest Reply]
Save TPAS pointing data? 2 17/04/2021 12:28:34
103631 19/04/2021 13:05:49
rtclemen@gmail.com [Latest Reply]
[Clip] Procedure: Locating the Alt Axis on your Dobsonian version 4 by Scott Tannehill 0 27/03/2021 13:30:13
131869 27/03/2021 13:30:13
wildcard [Latest Reply]
coin battery 1 24/02/2021 09:11:42
Rick Shaw
98744 25/02/2021 16:22:09
wildcard [Latest Reply]
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